Home - #lundangtonewcastle


MH - Home - #lundangtonewcastle

Lundang to Newcastle, a love story between a UK-born Malaysian in London and a girl from Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

The film is narrated through actual interviews with their friends and family who tell the story about their love across thousands of miles.

Each day, Malaysia Airlines flies an average of 45,000 guests, many of whom fly MH from various parts of the world to Malaysia. Most importantly, MH flies our fellow Malaysians home.

With Malaysia Airlines, you're home even when you're away. 


Space - #lundangtonewcastle

We fill our hearts with people we love. Who takes up the space in yours?

Jauh - #lundangtonewcastle

Distance, jarak, kejauhan - does it matter when it comes to love?

Attachment - #lundangtonewcastle

There are many ways to say "I wish you are here." For many of us, a shared moment says enough.

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