Sadness In Laughter - Capt.Raphael Abu Bakar


His last flight with #malaysiaairlines after over 16 years.. #mh367 from Taipei to Kuala Lumpur. After landing he felt rather emotional.. And he said to their self " So this is it.. Last landing with MAS.." Theres so much of this airline in me.. He started in 1997 as a flight attendant, became a pilot in 1999 and resigned as an Airline Captain.. In fact he never left MAS.. He was with MAS till its last day on the 31st of August 2015 when Malaysia Airlines Berhad MAB took over on the 1st of Sept. "So thank you MAS for having me all these years. "- Capt said.

During cruise FL350 waiting for sunset. 31st Oct 2015. 

*Now Capt.Raphael Abu Bakar working with Malindo Air. "Good luck captain" #flyinghigh #staystrong

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